On July 7th at Sonia Vihar Dhai Pusta Park, a program was hosted by the MP Manoj Tiwari. NAMAMI Gange Project started on the same day and at the bank of the river Yamuna, actor and area’s MP Manoj Tiwari planted the tree.
Tag Archives: Sonia Vihar Dhai Pusta Park
Yamuna Aarti at Sonia Vihar Dhai Pusta Park
Mahakaal Manav Sewa, one of the NGOs in Delhi is conducting regular Yamuna Aarti in Sonia Vihar near the Dhai Pusta Park. Numbers of people attended this event daily. This aarti is dedicated to the River Yamuna. The main objective of this aarti is aware the people about the importance of Rivers in our life.
Yamuna River which is also a life line of Delhi has great history. This river has the same significance as Ganga. The Yamuna River pollution is biggest problem and this NGO is also motivating the people to keep the River Yamuna neat and clean.
Sun Set Point near Sonia Vihar Dhai Pusta Park
HI Friends…
I captured this photo using my mobile phone. The view is perfect.
I love the picture. It is the best Sun Set Point near Sonia Vihar Dhai Pusta Park.
Sonia Vihar Dhai Pusta Park
Sonia Vihar Dhai Pusta Park is an important location in the Sonia Vihar. It is like a contact point and numbers of people in the Sonia Vihar are aware about the location of this park. So if you are coming to the Sonia Vihar, you can opt this location as a meeting point.
You can also visit to this park using the 258 DTC bus number from the ISBT Kasmiri Gate.